dijous, 11 d’abril del 2013



Catalonia currently has 31 wind farms in operation, with an installed wind power capacity of 849.64 MW

This is a LINK for the game of wind energy http://www.greenpeace.org.uk/files/swfs/migrated/MultimediaFiles/Live/Video/3569.swf

Why do we have to use renewable energies?

We have to use renewable energies because these energies are coming from the sun, wind, biomass, geothermal and water. That means they are 100% natural and 0% artificial. 

According to a 2011 projection by the International Energy Agency, solar power generators may produce most of the world’s electricity within 50 years, dramatically reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases that harm the environment.

dimarts, 9 d’abril del 2013

Hello, our blog address is: www.windenergycallis.blogspot.com , and our gmailaddress is: 


The name of the group is wind-energy and members of group is: Ossama Bouadi, Marc 

Fàbregas, Sanna Abouchebat and Anna Molsosa.

dijous, 14 de març del 2013

divendres, 15 de febrer del 2013

Wind Energy

The energy is...:  an indirectly observed quantity which comes in many forms, such as kinetic energy, potential energy, radiant energy, and many others; which are listed in this summary article. This is a major topic in science and technology and this article gives an overview of its major aspects, and provides links to the many specific articles about energy in its different forms and contexts.

Renewable energy: is energy that comes from resources which are continually replenished such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves and geothermal heat. About 16% of global final energy consumption comes from renewable resources, with 10% of all energy from traditional biomass, mainly used for heating, and 3.4% from hydroelectricity. New renewables (small hydro, modern biomass, wind, solar, geothermal, and biofuels) accounted for another 3% and are growing very rapidly.The share of renewables in electricity generation is around 19%, with 16% of electricity coming from hydroelectricity and 3% from new renewables.

Non-renewable energy: is a natural resource which cannot be reproduced, grown, generated, or used on a scale which can sustain its consumption rate; once depleted there will be no more available for future use. Also considered non-renewable are resources that are consumed much faster than nature can create them. Fossil fuels (such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas), nuclear power (uranium) and certain aquifers are examples.
Metal ores are prime examples of non-renewable resources. In contrast, resources such as timber (when harvested sustainably) and wind (used to power energy conversion systems) are considered renewable resources. 

Why do we have to use renewable energies?: is the set of energy sources that are regularly available to the human need because it's great to get.

Important recent news: Opened eight wind farms in Catalonia in 2012: 3 to have open a les Garrigues, 1 in Conca de Barbera, 1 in Ribera d'Ebre, 1 in Terra alta and 2 in Segrià.

Photos about wind energy: